Saturday, December 3, 2016

Is your manager is holding back your career?

Here are 10 signs your manager is holding back your career:
1. Your boss doesn't ask you what you want in your career.

2. If there are advancement opportunities in your organization, you don't  know anything about them, because your boss has never mentioned them.

3. When you try to stretch your role in order to grow your muscles and learn new things, your manager pushes back and tells you to keep doing what you're doing now.

4. Your manager appreciates your work in your current role but doesn't give you new challenges even when you ask for them.

5. Your manager doesn't put you in situations where your visibility (inside and outside the company) could increase. Your boss may even try to keep you 'hidden' from people who could help your career and teach you what you don't already know.

6. Your manager has told you more than once how much you have to  learn -- rather than congratulating you on how much you've learned already.

7. Your boss doesn't share his or her projects or plans with you. You are in the dark.

8. Your manager tells you that you have a great job and you should be grateful for it.

9. Your boss gives you no opportunities to increase your value to the company -- then gives you no pay increase, because your role hasn't changed!

10. As you look ahead to 2017, you don't see your situation changing.

Change is a feature of life on earth. Everything around us changes, and we have to change, too!

My manager does all these things with me. I must say "he is a bastard".