Friday, October 7, 2011

Best Invention Of Life

“Death Is Very Likely The Single Best Invention Of Life. It Is Life’s Change Agent.”

By: Steven Paul Jobs

When I die, do not be saddened for too great a length. Do not stop working. Do not stop, period. Keep moving forward. Know that life goes on; it’s both long and short, and we must capture as much of it as possible.

Death Is Very Likely The Single Best Invention Of Life. It Is Life’s Change Agent.

Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent.

It’s Life’s way of telling us that we need to work, and fast. And that nothing lasts.

When I die, live. If you haven’t thus far, start immediately. Live! Truly live. Aim to be greater than that which came before.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

You Never Know How Strong You Are

“You Never Know How Strong You Are, Until Being Strong Is The Only Choice You Have.”

Those type of moods that come when life knocks you down repeatedly for God knows how long. Everything has diminished around me, and all at the same time. I feel sick even though I’m not. I feel tired even though I’m not. And I feel like staying in bed all day until life’s better.

I have living to do, and all I can do at this point is put one foot in front of the other and hope for better down the road. It’s hard. But I know it’s times like these that I get to see my own strength with my own eyes. And if I get to better times, I’ll be that much stronger for it.

You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.

You never know much you can walk through until walking is the only choice you have.

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Fruit of Life

The coconut is called The Fruit of Life because, well, it comes from the Tree of Life. No other fruit can replicate the amazing benefits it provided, is providing, and will continue to provide humankind.
It is the fruit of the coco palm (Cocos nucifera Linn). Unlike most fruit bearing plants, coco palms are always in season. They produce year round, usually a bunch of 12-14 nuts every month. A typical coco palm here in the Philippines can yield up to 150 "fruits-of-life" per year.
Wondering about where do coconuts come from and its history? They're a good start to getting to know one of the healthiest fruits, if not the healthiest, known to man.
Now let me show you why the coco palm is aptly called, the tree of life. Every part of this magnificent large plant has value, from its very roots, all the way up to those 4-6 meter leaves:

A. Mature Nut

  • Meat
  • Oil - cooking, cosmetics,soap, shampoo, medical uses
  • Milk - food preparation, beauty products, medical uses
  • Flour - baking
  • Dietary fiber - heart disease and colon cancer prevention
  • Food/delicacies
  • Animal feeds
  • Water - Vinegar, Wine
  • Shell - Charcoal, Activated carbon, Trinkets, Household items, Handicrafts, Decorations
  • Husk (Fiber, Pith) - Ropes, Coir mattresses, Organic fertilizer, Coir sheets for preventing soil erosion

B. Young Nut

  • Water - Plant growth hormones/regulators, Kidney stone prevention

C. Inflorescence

  • Sugar, Food items, Alcoholic drinks

D. Spathe

  • Decors, Helmets, Handbags, Handicraft, Fans

E. Leaves

  • Paper pulp, Housing materials, Baskets, Trays

F. Trunk

  • Lumber, Wood products

G. Roots

  • Dye stuff, Twine, Ropes
Both the mature and young nuts are responsible for the numerous coco products millions are enjoying and benefiting from all over the world.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Power of Words

Did you ever reflect on the power of words? Words can cause us to erupt into laughter, break down into tears, fly into a rage, sink into despair, or float on clouds of happiness. Pretty strong stuff, wouldn’t you say? Yet, that’s only the beginning, for the words we use do more than describe the events we experience and actions we take; they determine their outcomes. What I am today is the result of the words I have used. What I will become and experience tomorrow, depends on the words I use today.

My thoughts have no substance until they are shaped into words. Once they become words they can be strung together to make statements. And the statements I make create my reality. If I make angry statements, I AM angry. If I make joyful statements, I AM joyful. When I state my job is miserable, I AM miserable. When I state my job is interesting, I AM interested.

In the beginning was the Word

Believe in yourself
To the depth of your being.
Nourish the talents
Your spirit is freeing.
Know in your heart
when the going gets slow
that your faith in yourself
will continue to grow.
Don't forfeit ambition
when others may doubt.
It's your life to live;
you must live it throughout.
Learn from your errors;
don't dwell in the past.
Never withdraw
from a world that is vast.
Believe in yourself;
find the best that is you.
Let your spirit prevail;
steer a course that is true.

The words we use can block our progress or clear the path to success and happiness. They can deprive us of personal power or release it. Words are potent. They are infused with a divine spark. They are a gift from God — tools, which are used to create our reality. Their significance is hinted at in verse one, chapter one, in the Gospel of John: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Let’s move away from the theoretical and become more practical. The important point is that words are powerful and because we use them, we are powerful. But unless we are aware of their power and their proper use, the power may mistakenly be used destructively.

On November 17, 1847, Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote the following: "Words — so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become, in the hands of one who knows how to combine them!" So, let’s look at ways of combining words that will release our personal power, not block it, and ways that will prove to be constructive, not destruction.

Tom will be our first example. He lacks the power of his friends who are comfortable working with computers. When asked about it, he replies, "I'd like to learn how to use computers, but I have no time." His combination of words, his statement, is filled with denial, negation, powerlessness, weakness, excuse, blame, and fear. Would you say his statement releases personal power or blocks it?

Let’s help Tom. We’ll begin by changing just one word in his reply. By changing BUT to AND, his reply now becomes, "I'd like to learn how to use computers, AND I have no time." Look at what’s happened. Instead of one negative statement, we now have two separate statements. The first statement, "I'd like to learn how to use computers," points to a desire to increase one’s personal power, so that’s good.

The second statement is an exaggeration and needs to be changed to a truthful one before we can continue. So, "I have NO time" becomes "I have LITTLE time." This is actually a positive statement. After all, if I have LITTLE time, I have SOME time. I can now accomplish my wish to learn about computers by spending a LITTLE time studying and practicing each day.

Do you feel any guilt, shame, or regret because you’re not doing some things that you wish you were? Good! Those feelings are your friends. They are your inner urges to become more powerful. Use those urges as inspiration to combine your words into empowering statements. Change BUT into AND, and add SO at the end of the statement. For example, change "I want to quit smoking, BUT I’m addicted" to "I want to quit smoking AND I’m addicted, SO (I will kick the habit by doing the following . . .).

If you find yourself often using BUT as an excuse, you can keep it in your statement if it makes it easier for you. But reverse the order of your statement and add SO. Here’s what I mean. Instead of saying, "I’d like to quit smoking, but I’m addicted" change it to "I’m addicted to cigarettes, but I’d like to quit, so . . . (I’m going to do the following).

Here’s another hint. Always replace SHOULD with COULD. Why? SHOULD conjures up feelings of stress, pressure, anxiety, and resentment. I feel like it’s something I don’t want to do. For instance, I SHOULD clean the house. Ugh! But when I use COULD it points to choice, which is the source of personal power. It also invites reflection on what would happen if I were to do what I COULD. Let’s see, now, I COULD clean the house, and if I were to do so, I would feel a lot better. Well, let’s get started!

Also, change HAVE TO to WANT TO … BECAUSE. In other words, "I HAVE TO clean the house" becomes "I WANT TO clean the house BECAUSE . . ." The WANT TO empowers you, and the reasons generated by BECAUSE motivate you to act. Similarly, change MUST to CHOOSE TO . . . BECAUSE. So, "I MUST clean the house" now becomes "I CHOOSE TO clean the house BECAUSE . . ."

Can you see how the words you use shape you and create your environment? Can you feel the enormous power locked into words? Don’t take your words lightly. Become aware of them and use them to empower you. Don’t allow a poor choice of words strip you of your unlimited potential. To help you move in that direction, here’s another tip. Replace WISH, LIKE TO, or TRY with WILL. So, "I WISH I could quit smoking," or "I’d LIKE TO quit smoking," or "I’m going to TRY to quit smoking" becomes "I WILL quit smoking!" WILL releases commitment and allows you to work on a plan to reach your goal.

Finally, replace SOMEDAY, SOON, or EVENTUALLY with a specific date. "SOMEDAY I’ll start an exercise program" or "I plan to start exercising SOON" or, worse yet, "EVENTUALLY I’m going to join a fitness club" are statements that block my power. On the other hand, "I’m going to check out two fitness clubs and join one of them THIS WEEKEND" empowers me today and will create a much better future. Can you become aware of the words you use, change them, and develop your personal power? Of course you can! Just believe in yourself.

© Chuck Gallozzi
For more articles

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Master Minds Thought

A business thought of master minds. Google, facebook, amazon, apple, twitter and microsoft.

A business thought of master minds. Google, facebook, amazon, apple, twitter and microsoft.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hacker Group Anonymous Vows To Destroy Facebook On November 5

Nice Reading...

Attention citizens of the world,

We wish to get your attention, hoping you heed the warnings as follows:
Your medium of communication you all so dearly adore will be destroyed. If you are a willing hacktivist or a guy who just wants to protect the freedom of information then join the cause and kill facebook for the sake of your own privacy.

Read Full Story at : Hacker Group Anonymous Vows To Destroy Facebook On November 5

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Habit Of Making Room For You

“The World Has The Habit Of Making Room For The Man Whose Actions Show That He Knows Where He Is Going.”

My Dear,
Have you ever walked downtown at a pace that conveys that you have urgent things to do? Isn't it funny how people make room for you?

Have you ever said something in full confidence? Isn’t it funny how people don’t question you?

The world has the habit of making room for the man whose actions show that he knows where he is going.

Isn’t it funny that if you know where you’re going, the world makes it easier for you to get there?

Truly yours,
Napoleon Hill

Internet Book Databases?

An anonymous reader asks: "There have been several attempts at creating a book database like the IMDB. I list several [in the full article] and I would like to know which you like best, and which you use most often. What are the features you find the most useful out of the book databases you use?"

"Here is a list of free Internet book databases:

IBDOF - The Internet Book Database of Fiction

IBList - The Internet Book List - Book Database

SciFan - SciFan - Fantastic Fiction

And I know of only one commercial one, the FictionDB, which is the largest among all the ones that have been listed.

Does anyone know of any others?"

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Happy Friendship Day

At the end of Friendship Day, I want to share a nice quotations by Anais Nin

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

Happy International Friendship Day! The better part of one's life consists of his friendships. By Abraham Lincoln

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
Friendship Day Quotes by: Walter Winchell

Few Cool Books on Friendship

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Law of Action and Reaction

Yes, Here you are going to read The Law of Action and Reaction proposed by Newton. Famously known as Newtons 3rd law of motion, We all have read long long explanation on above statement. Here I am going to show you a very new picture extracted from above statement from the eye of a philosopher ;).
that stats:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
For Everything You Have Missed, You Have Gained Something Else, And For Everything You Gain, You Lose Something Else.”

The law says, for every force, there is a counter force. The greater we stretch a rubber band, the greater its snapback. Similarly The more I scowl at you, the angrier you will become; the more you smile at me, the more pleased I will become. We could also express this idea by calling it the Law of Cause and Effect, or just by saying that virtue is its own reward and wrongdoing causes suffering.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
By Herm Albright, quoted in Reader's Digest, June 1995

If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you don't get that you don't want.
Oscar Wilde

This is about

Sunday, April 10, 2011



You prepare yourself mentally for a new day, but await a new start. You look in the mirror every day and question the person standing on the other side. You fake a smile for all to see, when really you are screaming inside. You cry when no one can see or hear you. Sometimes when someone says something that triggers a memory, you burt into tears. You just want to escape from this world of misery, your personal hell. You always get hurt no matter what, and you think you can take anymore bull shit.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Must-Follow Money Rules for Couples

Keep your finances—and your relationship—happy with these quick and simple guidelines from iVillage personal finance expert Carmen Wong Ulrich


When it comes to how to handle money as a couple, advice runs the gamut from one extreme to the other. Talk to lawyers (especially divorce lawyers) and they’ll probably tell you to keep all of your money separate. Talk to your local priest or minister and he or she may say you must share everything with your spouse.

There are some edicts, however, that always ring true. The rules below will help you not only have a better financial life together, but may actually help you do more lovin’ together.

It’s not so much how you divvy your money up, but that you both agree on a method and stay informed.

Some women marry later in life and, as they’ve been paying their own way and saving and investing for 15-plus years, are happy to keep their finances completely separate. Some other perfectly happy gals walked the aisle in their 20s and immediately blended their finances with their husbands. And then there’s me. My husband and I put money into a joint household account to take care of household bills and goals, but also keep our own personal accounts—the same when it comes to credit.

Here’s what matters: does it work for you both? If it does, you’re probably OK. But, if you don’t like your financial arrangement with your spouse or partner, have that discussion and change it up.

However, if you’re OK with things because you prefer not to know a thing, it’s time for your wake-up call. I had a male guest on my show once, a certified financial planner, who told me that his wife knows nothing about their finances—nothing! My response, “WHAT?! How could you?!” (I liked the guy, but he went down several notches in my book after this revelation.) He said that she was fine with it. She didn’t want to know. This is the only arrangement that should set off alarm bells. Even if you’re a stay-at-home mom, you must know at least the basics of where the money is, how much there is, and where it’s going.

Why? Because you cannot afford to not stay informed, no matter your financial arrangement. We live longer, are more likely to have to care for children and aging parents and we’re more likely to have less money in retirement. The odds are stacked against us. Find an arrangement that makes you both secure and informed, and you’ll be happier.

Someone has to be in charge

Every household needs a Chief Financial Officer. And no, it shouldn’t automatically be the guy. Which one of you is better with money? Which of you always pays bills on time and has a great credit score? Managing the money can feel like a chore if you’re always saddled with doing all the work, but there needs to be someone who takes the initiative to keep track of everything—not just bill-paying, but your goals as a couple too.

Quelle surprise, I’m the head of the money-household at home—I make sure bills are paid, savings are made and I monitor our investments as well. And the majority of you say that you do the same. Pew Research found that women tend to rule the roost when it comes to making financial decisions. In almost half of all households women say that they are in charge of money matters while only 23% say their husbands are and 29% say it’s a joint operation.

But, that doesn’t mean that what I say goes, no matter what. Family CFO’s are not tyrants. As household CFO your job is to keep the team informed as well as to be open to changes and disagreements along the way. I make sure to communicate almost daily with my husband about financial obligations as well as upcoming big bills or purchases, and most fun of all, how we can reach goals together.

Stay informed. Feel secure. Two things that are sure to net you fewer scuffles and more snuggles!

Got a question for iVillage personal finance expert Carmen Wong Ulrich? Send it to her at

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Happiness often sneaks in through a door you did not know you left open. - John Barrymore

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Story of Appreciation

One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company.

He passed the first interview; the director did the last interview, made the last decision.

The director discovered from the CV, that the youth's academic result was excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never was there a year he did not score.

The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarship in school?" and the youth answered "no".

The director asked, "Did your father pay your school fees?" The youth answered, "my father passed away when I was one year old and it was my mother who paid my school fees".

The director asked, "Where did your mother work?" the youth answered, "my mother worked as cloth cleaner." The director requested the youth to show his hands and the youth showed a pair of hands that was smooth and perfect to the director.

The director asked, "Did you ever help your mother wash clothes before?" The youth answered," never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books, furthermore, my mother could wash clothes faster than I could"

The director said, I have a request, when you go back today, go and help to clean your mother's hand, and then see me tomorrow morning .

The youth felt that the chance of landing the job was high and when he went back, he happily wanted to clean his mother's hands. His mother felt strange. With happiness mixed with fear, she showed her hands to the kid.

The youth cleaned his mother's hands slowly and his tears fell as he did that. It was the first time he noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and that there were so many bruises in her hands. Some bruises were so painful that she shuddered when his mother’s hands were cleaned with water .

This is the first time that the youth realized and experienced that it is this pair of hands that washed the clothes everyday to earn him the school fees and that the bruises in the mother's hand were the price that the mother paid for his graduation and academic excellence and probably his future.

After finishing the cleaning of his mother's hands, the youth quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother.

That night, the mother and son talked for a very long time.

Next morning , the youth went to the director's office

The director noticed the tear in the youth's eye and asked: "Can you tell what you did and learnt yesterday in your house?"

The youth answered, " I cleaned my mother's hands and also finished washing all the remaining clothes'

The director asked , " please tell me what you felt "

The youth said, "Number 1, I know what appreciation is now'. Without my mother, I would not be successful today. Number 2, Now I know how to work together with my mother. Only now do I realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done. Number 3, I know the importance and value of family relationship.

The director said, "This is what I am asking, I want to recruit a person that can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the suffering of others to get things done, and a person that would not put money as his only goal in life to be my manager. You are hired.

Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates, every employee worked diligently and as a team and the company improved tremendously.

A child, who has been protected and habitually given whatever he needs, develops "entitlement mentality" and always puts himself first. He is ignorant of his parent's efforts. When he starts work, he assumes every person must listen to him, and when he becomes a manager, he would never know the suffering of his employees and always blame others. These kinds of people, can achieve good results and may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel a sense of achievement or satisfaction. If we happen to be this kind of (protective) parent, this is the time to ask the question- whether we did/do love our kids or destroy them.

You can let your kid live in a big house, eat a good meal, learn to play the piano, watch a big screen TV but when you are cutting grass, please let them experience it. After a meal, let them wash their plate and bowl together with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to love and show them the correct way. You want them to understand that no matter how rich their parents are, one day they will grow old, become weak and that their hair too will grow gray,. The most important thing is for your kid to learn how to appreciate experience and learn the effort and ability needed to work with others to get things done. They should also value, appreciate what the parents have done and love them for who they are!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Facebook blamed for growing divorces

Lawyer says 30 cases she handled involved site

London: The social networking website Facebook is being blamed for a growing number of divorces in Britain as married partners are caught cheating online.

A lawyer said how every divorce she had dealt with in the past nine months had involved the social networking website, according to The Sun.

Nowadays, even flirty messages and photos of new lovers after a split are being used by former spouses as "ammunition" in divorce proceedings.

Lawyers are advising couples to stop using Facebook and sites such as Second Life, Illicit Encounters and Friends Reunited until legal proceedings are finalised.

Emma Patel, of Hart Scales and Hodges Solicitors, in Surrey, has dealt with 30 divorces since May, and all involved Facebook.

What effect does Facebook have on relationships? Has it become a way for partners to check up on one another? Should messages and photos be allowed as evidence during divorce proceedngs? Tell us what you think by posting a comment below.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Gates of Happiness are Open

"For you see, each day I love you moreToday more than yesterday and less than tomorrow."~ Rosemonde Gerard

“You rose into my life like a promised sunrise, brightening my days with the light in your eyes. I've never been so strong. Now I'm where I belong.”~ Maya Angelou

"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness."~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

"In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing."~ Mignon McLaughlin

When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.  ~Nora Ephron, When Harry Met Sally



Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Divine accident

"The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a glowing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing, it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of Divine accident." Sir Hugh Walpoe

"Today I begin to understand what love must be, if it exists. . . . When we are parted, we each feel the lack of the other half of ourselves. We are incomplete like a book in two volumes of which the first has been lost. That is what I imagine love to be: incompleteness in absence". Edmond de Goncourt (1822-96) and Jules de Goncourt (1830-70), French writers.


My heart to you is given: Oh, do give yours to me; We'll lock them up together, And throw away the key.

"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit".

Thursday, January 6, 2011

ye mahaloN ye taKhtoN ye taajoN ki duniya

Going over the list of posted songs and nazms, I was surprised to see I hadn’t posted this song yet on this site.  This happens to be one of my favourite songs from one of my favourite movies ever, Pyaasa (Guru Dutt).  The song is simply amazing!  I think it fits in nicely with my recent posts regarding patriotic/nationalist songs by Sahir.

Enjoy the song, a video, courtesy the amazing posters at youtube, is posted below as well.

ye mahloN, ye taKhtoN, ye taajoN ki duniya
ye insaaN ke dushman, samaajoN ki duniya
ye daulat ke bhuukhe, rivaajoN ki duniyaa
ye duniyaa agar mil bhi jaaye to kyaa hai
ye duniyaa agar mil bhi jaaye to kyaa hai

har ik jism ghaayal, har ik ruuh pyaasii
nigaahoN me uljhan, diloN meiN udaasi
ye duniyaa hai yaa aalam-e-badhavaasii
ye duniyaa agar mil bhi jaaye to kyaa hai

jahaaN ik khilona hai insaaN ki hastii
ye bastii hai murda-parastoN ki bastii
yahaaN par to jeevan se hai maut sastii
ye duniyaa agar mil bhi jaaye to kyaa hai

javaani bhaTaktii hai bezaar bankar
javaaN jism sajate haiN baazaar bankar
jahaaN pyaar hota hai vyopaar bankar
ye duniyaa agar mil bhi jaaye to kyaa hai

ye duniyaa jahaaN aadmi kuchh nahiiN hai
vafaa kuchh nahiiN, dostii kuchh nahiiN hai
jahaaN pyaar ki qadr hi kuchh nahiiN hai
ye duniyaa agar mil bhi jaaye to kyaa hai

jalaa do ise  phuuNk DaaloN ye duniyaa
jalaa do jalaa do
jalaa do ise phuuNk DaaloN ye duniyaa
mere saamne se haTaa lo ye duniyaa
tumhaari hai tum hi sambhaalo ye duniyaa
ye duniyaa agar mil bhi jaaye to kyaa hai